Knockback - Knockback is a basic mechanic whereby players and enemies are repelled in the opposite direction of an attack.Inventory - An Inventory is a set of slots where items appear, or can be placed for storage.Each red heart shown represents 20 health. Health - Health is the character's life count, represented by a meter of heart icons at the top-right of the screen.Fall damage - Fall damage refers to the damage a player character sustains upon falling a large distance.The Difficulty mode of a character determines what happens upon their Death. Difficulty - A character's Difficulty mode is selected during character creation, and only applies to the character being created.Damage the player takes is reduced by half their defense value, rounded up. Defense - Defense is the number that determines how much damage can be absorbed per hit.They can be canceled by using the Nurse NPC for coins. Unlike Buffs, they cannot be canceled by right-clicking the icon. Debuffs - Debuffs are temporary, negative status effects.A status message will appear dependent on damage type. Items will be dropped depending on character difficulty and server settings if multiplayer. Death - Death happens when a character's health reaches zero.Different armor types and consumables provide bonuses for different types of weapons, summarized below. Damage types - Damage types are categorized into melee, ranged, magic weapons, summoning weapons since 1.2 and, since, thrown weapons.It deals double the damage of a normal hit. Critical hit - A critical hit has a small chance of happening every time the player hits an enemy.They last anywhere from 30 seconds to 45 minutes. Buffs - Buffs are special stats or visual bonuses which are granted to the player after consuming certain items.Breath meter - When a player's head is under water or honey, a Breath Meter appears directly above the player, representing the time the player has until they begin drowning.Attack speed - Attack speed is handled similar to movement speed: additive bonuses except the cap is at 4 times original speed.Aggro - Aggro determines the distance at which enemies will begin to attack the player.