Sodomy is the key to Satanic worship and the anus is the gateway by which evil witches utilize to summon lower entities to this realm. Greatest of sins and most hated by the Gods, "Sodomy", is an abomination that defiles the land and people. My advice is that we should pray to our ancestors to cleanse the world of this filth. Whether it is working with eternal enemies of our community or initiating open aggression, rumor mongering, and targeting the righteous in our movements these types of Africans are root cause of all evil affecting the world. You can literally trace assassination of African light bearers on the continent and diaspora to evil cult followings of Africans. Yet in the end, too many times we focus the blame for this nastiness upon Europeans, Arabs, Asians and Jews, and whether it may be true our eternal enemies may support these cults, it is our responsibility to justly end this evil. Especially we have a threat from mulattoes, reared by White/European White Supremacists parents, they act as mind controlled slaves bent upon destroying African people to prove their loyalty and love to their parent White race, they are the greatest threat simply because they are least suspected. Many evil African and African Diaspora cults are heavily into child sacrifice, pedophilia, promoting the Vatican's Homosexual Agenda, human and organ trafficking, mass distributing drugs and guns, starting and funding street gangs, oh yes, many of the street gangs like the Chicago and L.A gangs were formed by Black Freemasons. These sociopathic persons who are joined together inside of these cults, gangs as I would call them, because they go out acting together, ganging up on members in the community, using cover activities stirring chaos all throughout the African world. We must address these cancer sores that are corrupting our nations, our organizations, and destroying our alliances. I reveal this information not to hurt our people but to stir awakening. This is the result of decay and rot of our once great and noble civilizations of light. These cults are the destructive cause which is preventing the liberation and rise of African people, who once ruled the world. Our young people get lured into these cults by the promise of riches, power and mysterious knowledge which they believe these material things will bring them happiness. These are Africans who have become anti-social, anti-family, and anti-community due to the breakdown of the economic infrastructure, which allows for people in our communities to fulfill their life's destiny. For not only do these cults exist on the continent but they exist in the diaspora. This is the nasty side of African people who are cult members of the U nderworld of evil. I want you to view this, take your time digesting this wealth of information and come back often until you begin to awaken.